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Wildcat Booster Club Inc

The Wildcat Booster Club is a 100% volunteer organization dedicated to supporting athletics and school programs in many ways including the purchase of special equipment not funded by the district, providing athletic awards and scholarships, financial support to assist athletes competing in State / National events and other contributions to our athletic program.
  • Purchasing of Special Equipment not funded by the district
  • Providing Athletic Awards
  • Issuing of Athletic Scholarships to graduating seniors
  • Financial Support to Assist Athletes in State / National events
  • Other Contributions to our Athletic Program

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Our Community

South Huntington is home to nearly 10,000 residents.  With a long proud sports tradition.  From our youth programs to our Middle School and High School athletic programs, there is a commitment to our student athletes and our town.  The booster club is a proud to be a part of that heritage.

Our Mission
Vintage Helmet and American Football Bal

Wildcat Booster Club strives to promote, foster, encourage and support interscholastic athletic programs, athletes and teams in South Huntington.  â€‹We promote cooperation and teamwork among all athletes and work to assist them in achieving their goal, on and off the field.

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